trust your gut: it's a superpower

As a veteran film/tv casting director, filmmaker, and educator, I’ve had multiple opportunities to learn to trust my gut.

In 1996, when I first moved to Los Angeles, I turned down a rare opportunity at a major studio. After my interview, I took 5 minutes to wander the space, closed my eyes & checked inward.

It just didn’t feel right.

I think about that decision a lot. 

It would have changed the trajectory of my career, in ways that would have been beneficial for me and my family…but at the end of the day, my heart was not into it. My gut said no. 

And, I know I made the right choice.

Because another opportunity was just around the corner. I ended up working with Costa-Gavras and Wolfgang Glattes, and had one of the best casting experiences of my life. Ask me about showing the 'unknown' Jude Law's tape to the director, or the call I got about a play in Ireland in which a new young actor was really special...named Colin Farrell. Needless to say, I'm glad I listened to my gut...and I thrived.

Successful actors & screen artists learn to trust their gut regularly.

I have witnessed career actors succeed over decades...and a large part of sustaining their creative work includes navigating both opportunity and disappointment with their gut.

When one starts with the question “does this light me up?” OR “does this challenge me in ways I creatively desire?”, a portal opens up and one can fully dive into the creative work.

It's worth it every time.

Get quiet and listen to your gut…your artistic soul will thank you.


2 simple words I've seen affect artistic collaboration like no other


social media comments & more: what REALLY goes through a casting director's mind